

Historical rent charges: what you need to know

What is a Rent Charge?

Rent Charges are obligations included in Title Deeds to make payment of an annual sum to a third party who has no interest in the property.  Whilst the charge usually is for a minimal amount the effects on non-payment can be way more problematic than you would think.

Why ...

23.06.22 12:36 PM - Comment(s)
Who is responsible for the fence?!

It’s that time of year when better weather and longer days see us venturing back into our outdoor spaces. The recent storms may have damaged your boundary walls and fencing. But who is responsible for their maintenance?

Most property deeds won’t provide you with an answer, so your lawyer won’t know. ...

04.04.22 09:31 AM - Comment(s)
Dezrezlegal Winners at The British Conveyancing Awards 2022
Dezrezlegal win a prestigious industry award for customer service excellence.
29.03.22 12:27 PM - Comment(s)
Protect Yourself From Property Fraud – Property Alert Scheme. 

Recent years have seen a worrying increase in property fraud. 2020 – 2021 has been a period of vulnerability as the result of the volume of property transactions skyrocketing due to property tax relief schemes, and the upheaval and change in people’s work practices due to the Covid-19 pandemic....

20.08.21 10:25 AM - Comment(s)
 What’s the fuss about fracking? 

You might not think that the mining of shale gas is something you need to be worried about if you are moving home, but if the property you are buying is in an area where fracking has been authorised, there are a number of things you should think about before proceeding, as fracking can have an impac...

20.08.21 10:25 AM - Comment(s)