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Selling Your Property

With you every step of the way to your next adventure


Selling your home can be surprisingly time-consuming and emotionally challenging. We'll provide such a significant life event with the attention it deserves. 

Typically, the process takes between 12-20 weeks from accepting your offer to completion. The timeframe will vary from case to case depending on the complexity of the transaction, the number of links in the chain, and how quickly you provide the requested information. As residential conveyancing specialists, we have the knowledge and technological tools necessary to get you on to your next adventure as swiftly and smoothly as possible.

Our online portal allows you to view your transaction 24/7, while the use of digital documents makes form filling and signing a breeze. Your allocated team of Conveyancing professionals will guarantee seven calls at crucial points of the transaction to ensure you are in control and fully informed. Of course, the team are happy to help should you need assistance between these calls.